File and directory structures

This section will describe the current file and directory structures from the FOSS-root.

Directory Filename Description
.\ This is your FOSS installation directory, may be any valid OS/2 directory.
P.* "P"
The transfer protocol package
Copyright © 1994 by Jyrki Salmi
All rights reserved.
.\BULLETS Directory which contain all the bulletin files.
area####.? Bulletin files. area is the bulletin code, and #### is the bulletin number.
areaLIST.? List of bulletins. area is the bulletin code.
.\DEVELOP Source files for developing software for FOSS.
APIINT.PAS Pascal unit to interface with the FOSS16.DLL (the main FOSS-API)
TYPES.PAS Pascal unit - data type definitions.
.\DEVELOP\UTILCOLL Parts of the source for the utility collection programs, not enough source to compile. These are included just as examples.
*.PAS Pascal source files.
.\HOME This directory contain all the users "home" directories.
######## Users home directory, ######## is the users ID.
.\HOME\######## User home directory
ALIAS Some user defined aliases. Not fully implemented yet.
.\MAIN This directory contains the system configuration files, logfiles and other database files not related to areas.
AREAS.CFG Area configuration file. Should not be accessed.
CHAT-LOG.### Logs of the last SysOp chat's. Plain AscII file.
DENYUSER.LST List of users to be denied on this system ? and * allowed. Plain AscII file.
DIRSarea.CFG Area directory configuration file(s). area is the area code. Should not be accessed.
EVENTS.CFG Timed events configuration file. Should not be accessed.
FOSS.CFG Main configuration file. Should not be accessed.
LOCALUSR.* User database and index. Should not be accessed.
NODEMSG.### Node message file. Should not be accessed.
NODES.CFG Node configuration file. Should not be accessed.
NODESTAT Status of all nodes. Should not be accessed.
PREUSERS.LST Last ten users. Should not be accessed.
PROTOCOL.CFG Protocol configuration info. Should not be accessed.
USAGELOG.### Logfiles for each node, ### is the node number. Plain AscII file.
USAGELOG.SYS Logfile displayed to SysOp when loggin in. Plain AscII format.
.\MAIN\AREA This directory stores all the area databases, you should never access these files yourself. Programmers should only access these files by use of the FOSS-API.
.\MENUS This directory contains all menus displayed to the users as well as help files. All files in this directory are distributed with FOSS in three languages (English, Norwegian and French).
.\SCRIPTS This directory contains the all the script hooks done by FOSS as well as your own scripts should be stored here.
B!BYE.? Script called before a uses logoff.
A!DNYUSR.? Script called after a user is denied access to the system because a record in the DENYUSER.LST file matches his/her name.
A!DOWN.? Script called after a download is finished or aborted.
B!DOWN.? Script called before a donwload start.
A!LOGIN.? Script called after a login just before the user get the command line.
B!LOGIN.? Script called before a user login.
I!LOGIN.? Script called in the middle of the login procedure, after the name a password prompts.
A!OPEN.? Script called after returning from a door.
B!OPEN.? Script called before opening a door (The door may be started from withing this script, the door selected is stored in variable %current_door%)
A!REG.? Script called after a new user register.
B!REG.? Script called before a new user register.
A!SELECT.? Script called after the user change area.
A!UP.? Script called after a upload finished or aborted.
B!UP.? Script called before a upload start.
EXTRACMD.? This scripts is called each time the system reaches a unknown command. With this script you may make extra commands to your system or just telling the user that (s)he have entered a unknown command. If this script exists it must allway start with a @getfirst yourvar sys_cmd command to remove the unknown command from the system command que. If not, your script will loop.
(all other) You may make your own scripts with any name in this directory which you @call from other scripts.
### Temporary directoy for each node (### is the node number). These directories may be used by your scripts/doors but you should allways cleanup your files. Do not remove files FOSS put there during a session.
.\UTILCOLL Some simple utilities included with the standard FOSS distribution, part of the source (not enough to compile) are also found in the .\DEVELOP\UTILCOLL directory
DIRDUMP.EXE Utility to produces AscII file listsings from FOSS.
STATCONV.EXE Utility to convert from FOSS standard to PCBoard standard "door"-files.
TOPTEN.EXE Utility to produce a simple top-ten bulletin.
UPDFILE.EXE Utility to update time and/or size information about files in the file database.

These pages are Copyright © 1995-96 by Terje Flaarønning
This page is last updated at 24th March 1996